Det har nästan gått ett år sedan jag publicerade mitt förra 'dagliga make up' inlägg (här hittar du den) så tänkte det skulle vara på tid att göra en updaterad.
It's been almost a year since I posted my last daily makeup post (here) and I thought I'd do an updated one. Let me know if you're interested in more these kinds of posts.
It's been almost a year since I posted my last daily makeup post (here) and I thought I'd do an updated one. Let me know if you're interested in more these kinds of posts.
Step 1 The Base

Jag börjar med att tvätta & laga fuktighetskräm i hela ansiktet, jag har jätte torr hy just nu så Niveas basic kräm är den ända som funkar till mig just nu, helt super bra.
I start by washing & moisturizing my face with this really good moisturizer, I have really dry skin at the moment and it's pretty much the only one that works properly.
I start by washing & moisturizing my face with this really good moisturizer, I have really dry skin at the moment and it's pretty much the only one that works properly.

Jag börjar med att laga primer i mitt ansikte, låter det torka några minuter innan jag lagar brunkräm med min real technique borste.
I start by putting primer all over my face, let it dry for a few minutes before putting on foundation with my real technique brush.
I start by putting primer all over my face, let it dry for a few minutes before putting on foundation with my real technique brush.

Then I put concealer under my eyes and on my worst spots to hide them even more and blend it out with a beauty blender.

Och till sist lagar jag puder över hela ansiktet.
And finish of with powder all over my face.
And finish of with powder all over my face.
Step 2 Contour & Highlight

Emellan åt, mest på veckoslut, använder jag också contour och highlight.
Then on some days, mostly weekends, I also use contour and highlight.
Then on some days, mostly weekends, I also use contour and highlight.

Jag framhäver mina kindben..
I enhance my cheekbones..
I enhance my cheekbones..

Lite highlighter som jag jämnar ut med mina fingrar,
And put on some highlighter and blend it out a bit with my fingers.
And put on some highlighter and blend it out a bit with my fingers.
Step 3 Eyeshadow

Till jobbet använder jag ofta ögonskugga, inget speciellt, bara kanske en ljus brun färg, igen, på veckolsuten är jag lite mer experimentell. Jag skaffade nyss Urban Dekays nyaste smoky eyes paletten och kan inte sluta testa alla olika färger, den är så oroligt fin.
To work I often use eyeshadow, but nothing special, maybe just a subtle brown colour, again, I'm a bit more experimental on weekends. I have just gotten the smoky eyes Naked palette from urban dekay and I'm obsessed with trying out all the different colours, it''s amazing.
To work I often use eyeshadow, but nothing special, maybe just a subtle brown colour, again, I'm a bit more experimental on weekends. I have just gotten the smoky eyes Naked palette from urban dekay and I'm obsessed with trying out all the different colours, it''s amazing.
Step 4 Eyebrows

Jag börjar alltid med att måla konturerna med en mörkbrun ögonbryns penna..
I always start by drawing the outlines with a dark brown eyebrow pencil..
I always start by drawing the outlines with a dark brown eyebrow pencil..

Sedan fyller jag i dem med en ljusare färg..
Then fill them in with a lighter brown shade..
Then fill them in with a lighter brown shade..

Och till sist drar jag igenom dem med en ögonbryns gel så de hålls hela dagen.
And finish them off with eyebrow gel to help them stay the day.
And finish them off with eyebrow gel to help them stay the day.
Step 5 Eyeliner & Lashes

Jag målar min dagliga cat eye först, någon dag tar det 2 sekunder att få dem rätt, en annan dag flera 10 minuter, men med min eyeliner från Little Mix kollektion från Superdrug är det definitivt 123354 gånger lättare,
I draw my basic cat eye first, sometimes it takes me 2 seconds to get it right, sometimes a bit longer, but with my liquid liner from the Little Mix collection from superdrug it's super easy!
I draw my basic cat eye first, sometimes it takes me 2 seconds to get it right, sometimes a bit longer, but with my liquid liner from the Little Mix collection from superdrug it's super easy!

Sedan limmar jag mina fransar på med hjälp av en gammal nyppare, låter dem torka ordentligt innan jag fixar linjerna med samma eyeliner.
Then I glue on my everyday lashes with some help from a tweezer, I let them dry for a long time and fix the lines with eyeliner.
Then I glue on my everyday lashes with some help from a tweezer, I let them dry for a long time and fix the lines with eyeliner.

Till sist lagar jag maskara på mina undre fransar.
I finish of with mascara on my lower lashes.
I finish of with mascara on my lower lashes.
Step 6 Finishing Spray

Och så all smink ska hållas heladagen sprayar jag ännu mitt setting spray från Urban Dekay över hela ansiktet.
And so that my makeup will stay on the whole day I spray this setting spray from Urban Dekay all over my face.
And so that my makeup will stay on the whole day I spray this setting spray from Urban Dekay all over my face.
Jättebra inlägg! :)
tack! :) /Jasmine
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