We fall for each other at the wrong time
Only for a moment, but I don't mind
You don't know how to love me when you're sober
When the bottle's done you pull me closer
When the bottle's done you pull me closer
You're saying all the things that you're supposed to
But you don't know how to love me when you're sober
Why is it so different when we wake up?
Same lips, same kiss, but not the same touch
Same lips, same kiss, but not the same touch
Selena Gomez nya album REVIVAL är min nya favorit, så fina låtar, alla. Det överraskar mig faktiskt eftersom jag aldrig gillat hennes låtar så mycke, men texten i hennes nya låtar är som poesi. Sober är min favorit låt på skivan.
Selena Gomez new album is my new favourite, it's so good! Which is surprising since I've never really been too crazy about her music, but the lyrics in her new album is like poetry. Sober is my favourite of them all.
åh, alltid lika kul att hitta nya låtar och speciellt en ny artist som man faller för! <3
Ja, den är sååå bra!
jep & jep!!
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