
11 November 2015

The Breakfast Club

The breakfast club är en film som alla borde se någon gång i livet (egentligen är det en film man borde ha med i undervisningen i skolorna..). Har själv sett filmen några gånger och varje gång blir man lika fashinerad. Kort uppfattat handlar filmen om 5 stereotypiska ungdomar som hamnar på kvarsittning på en lördags morgon. Jag vill inte berätta desto mer om filmen, tycker det är en sådan film som man måste uppleva själv.

"What's bizarre?" "I'mean, we're all pretty bizarre. some of us are just better at hiding it. that's all."

The breakfast club is a movie everyone should see at least once in their life (actually it is a movie you should somehow have in the education in schools..) I myself have seen the movie few times and every time it gets me as fascinated as the last time. Shortly told, the movie is about 5 stereotype teens who have a detention on a Saturday morning. I don't want tell you much more about the movie, because I think it's such a movie you have to experience yourself.

- Iines

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