Min lägenhet är det absolut bästa som hänt mig i januari.
My apartment is the best thing that happened to me in january.

Mitt läppomada som är det ända som hjälper mina super torra läppar nu för tillfället, en äkta livsräddare.
Since starting a medication for my bad skin, my lips have been killing me, they are so dry all the time, but thanks to this lifesaver of a lip balm I happened to find in the back of my drawer I don't have to worry about it.

Min nya ögonbryns penna jag hittade i Sokos rea lådor några veckor bakåt. Jag hade ingen aning om vad jag missade med att fylla i mina ögonbryn med den ''borsten'' som kom med med produkten jag använder på mina ögonbryn.
My new Eyebrow brush is just perfect, I did not know what I was missing by using the one that came with the product I use on my eyebrows until I found this in the sales, BEST buy ever.

Naomi&Ely's no kiss list är bästa boken jag läste i januari, helt super konstig men definitivt värd att läsa. Och snälla, läs boken innan ni kollar filmen, anors kommer man inte förstå någonting.
Naomi&Ely's no kiss list was definitely the best book I read this month. Really weird, but in a good way. Please, read the book before the film.

Imagine Dragons konsären i Helsingfors var så otroligt bra! Hade också bästa sällskapet med mig så det kan ju inte bli bättre!
The Imagine Dragons concert was definitely one of my highlights this month, and the fact that I went with two of my favourite people didn't make it much worse, haha. The concert was just so amazing I won't even try to explain, you basically had to be there.

My new polaroid camera has come to good use this month even though I bought it halfway through january. I used to have a baby blue one but when I saw this purple one I just had to upgrade immediately, didn't take long to get my old one sold either.
Music Favourites
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